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Effect Description
Ice Apply stacks of frost to the enemy, when the maximum number of stacks (usually 10) is reached the enemy is frozen. The enemy cannot move or attack while frozen.
Fire The enemy receives damage over time.
Oil The enemy movement and attack speed are reduced by 25% and the damage taken is increased by 25%.
Resonance Applying an effect on a resonating enemy will also apply it to every other resonating enemy (including damage).
Chaos Randomly apply Fire, Ice, Oil or Resonance.
Pierce Applies damage and effects on consecutive enemies but does not destroy the projectile.
Splash Apply effects in a range.
Spread X Shoot X projectiles in a fan pattern.
Bounce X On hit will bounce toward another close enemy, X times.
Sand Dollar X On hit will give X Sand Dollars.
Homing X Will home toward the nearest enemy. Multiple stacks of it will increase the range of the homing.
Effect combo
Effects Result
Ice + Fire Remove ice or fire effect and create a burning steam explosion that damage every enemies in the area. The damage scale with the number of Ice stacks.
Oil + Fire Fire damage is doubled while oiled.
Ice + Oil Timer of oil state is paused while enemy is frozen.
Fool buff
Effects Description
Rage Increases critical chance and fire rate by 30%.
Enemy buff
Effects Description
Armor Adds a shield equal to the enemies HP. Prevent any effect while active.
Deflection Bubble Will shoot a projectile back if hit when active.
Berzerk Increase movement speed and attack speed.